Ride With Us

The Springfield Bicycle Club (SBC) offers group rides almost every day of the week during the riding season (typically April – October). Rides are pace-based and categorized as follows:

Ride Classifications Description
A 18.1-20.0+ mph average speed. These rides are for extremely strong and competitive cyclists with expert bike handling skills. Expect cyclists to be self-sufficient, and able to maintain speeds of 19+ mph
for extended distances using pace-lines and other faster riding skills
B 16.1-18.0 mph average speed. These rides are for strong, experienced cyclists with considerable group riding experience. Expect the emphasis to be on improving individual stamina and riding skills. Cyclists will not feel obligated to wait for slower riders. Many times, pace-lines are common in group riding. Cyclists should be able to handle their own flats and other minor mechanical repairs and should be comfortable navigating by map or GPS computer if separated from the group.
C 14.1-16.0 mph average speed. These rides are for competent cyclists with basic safety and bike handling skills. These rides combine social riding with improving fitness and riding ability. Expect that most cyclists will ride in groups. There may be rest stops on the route, but they will be limited. Cyclists should be comfortable navigating by map if separated from the group and should be able to handle their own flats and other minor mechanical problems
Slow C 12.1-14.0 mph avg speed. These rides are for competent cyclists with basic safety and bike handling skills. These rides combine social riding with improving fitness and riding ability. Expect that most cyclists will ride in groups. There may be rest stops on the route, but they will be limited. Cyclists should be comfortable navigating by map if separated from the group and should be able to handle their own flats and other minor mechanical problems
D 10.0-12.0 mph average speed. These rides are for novice or recreational cyclists. These rides will have rest stops as need ed. Expect the ride leader or another club member to sweep (stay with) the slowest cyclist. Assistance from the ride leader will be provided for flats and other minor mechanical problems.
EZ Under 10 mph average speed. These rides are purely social. Expect shorter routes either in town or on a trail and expect to ride together as a single group. No one will be dropped out of the back of the group. Assistance from the ride leader will be provided for flats and other minor mechanical problems.
GR Gravel. Route will be gravel, dirt or rough roads that are unsuitable for traditional road bikes
MTB Mountain Bike. Route will be on mountain bike trail system, typically singletrack.